Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013

Here we are, the last day of 2013. This year was such a roller coaster ride with so many ups and downs and I'm happy for a fresh, new start.  Lying on the roof of my house, waiting for the clock to strike midnight, I find myself overwhelmed with different emotions. I lost someone this year that I loved dearly, my mother-in-law.  She passed so suddenly this summer and left my husband's family brokenhearted.  Then just recently my own mother had congestive heart failure and I was faced with all the same emotions all over again, fortunately she was able to make a swift recovery, still scary nevertheless. On the upside, my sister-in-law had a beautiful wedding this year.  Several family members graduated with degrees and are on their way up to better jobs.  My nieces and nephews are all growing up to be amazing kids. This year has showed me how precious our time is with the ones we love.  It's important to make time for the ones that mean the most to you.  That's what I hope to do in 2014.

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