Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sentimental Snapshots

I have as couple snapshots on my desk that I like to look at.

Left:  Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France June 2000.  
It's a happy memory for me because I had spent 3 weeks in Europe (Italy, Austria, Switzerland, then France) and Paris was the last stop.  We had ridden a train from Zurich then hopped on a bus to go see the sights.  I was sleepy so I took a quick nap, when  i woke up the bus was stopped and this was my view, the back of the cathedral.

Right:  Last summer my husband and I took out eldest niece and nephew to Six Flags Fiesta Texas.  I sat out for this ride so I could get the shot, the three of them are pictured in the top right. Such a fun filled day swimming and getting on rides.  It's a day I hope we never forget.

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